
Thanks so much to everyone who came down to see Exquisite Corpse at No Vacancy Gallery. We had a great turnout on the opening night and so many of you got into our drawing game throughout the two weeks it was up, here’s a photo of all the games...

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Very excited to be bringing my beasts back to No Vacancy’s Fed Square space, the site of my 2011 solo show Exoskeletons….this time for a group show ‘Exquisite Corpse’ with Kim Garratt and Georgia Matthey.   Named after the surrealist drawing game, this show opens on Wednesday the 29th. I’ll have...

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The show came down on Sunday – thanks so much to everyone who came down to have a look! Here’s a video of the opening night, shot by Carl Ellison: Exoskeletons By Kaitlin Beckett from Just Another Agency on Vimeo. You can also see the preview he shot for...

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I haven’t been uploading much new work of late…and there has been a reason! All my latest works have been under wraps, and I’m super excited to announce my upcoming solo show – Exoskeletons! Just Another Agency have taken over the No Vacancy Project Space in Fed Square (Melbourne...

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